
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Wanda show us your art book . . .

Well, I sorta kinda like this page.  The painting was fun but not easy for me to do.  I loved adding the words.  Adding the words made me feel all 'Lee of Defining Me-ish'.  These words are from a book about the Bible and were spoken to Paul.  I can't wait to try another mixed media word piece.  Speaking of which . . . 

I got this small book - it's maybe 5x4 inches.   The book actually starts at less than a dollar (plus 3.99 shipping) on Amazon.  I am not fond of all of the paintings in the book.  I got it because it has over 500 pages to paint over.  That should keep me busy for a while!

Finally, I completed a drawing and video entitled 'Pink Rain'.  I tried to make the video a little different by including a few impressionist's paintings of rain.  I'm sure you are familiar with this one by Renoir.  And of course there are two by Van Gogh - not surprising - he painted EVERYTHING!  Will post soon!

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