
Monday, June 16, 2014

work in progress 'ballerina blues' by myra anderson painter of the ballerina sketch - also don't let anyone tell you what happened - read about what really happened here . . .

This is a true story.
Yesterday Harvey and I were having a lively discussion when suddenly there was a 'bam! bam! bam!' on the door.  Startled we took turns looking out the door's peep hole as well as the living room window - but we didn't see anyone.  Finally Harvey opened the door and we discovered that it was the police.  They said that they had to come in and check the house because someone inside had called 911.  

Now . . . I remembered that a few minutes before our lively discussion -  Harvey had tried to call his mother - but had called the 'wrong number'.  Also, if the police had been listening to our conversation before 'going in' Harvey and I were having a conversation about chicken.  About how we were having chicken for dinner - about whether we were having roasted chicken, lemon pepper chicken, honey bar-b-Que chicken, mango chicken, chipotle chicken, Hawaiian chicken and on and on. 

Anyway we could not believe that they were in fact the police because they looked so young - like late teens or early twenties.  But come in and check they did.  One watched me with his hand on his gun while the other one checked the house.  Not being able to tell who would be menacing who - the extremely gorgeous woman with the hour glass figure or the extremely handsome man with the muscular pecs - the police finally concluded that everything was okay and left.  Then, Harvey went and got that chicken. . . it was good. . . I had to give Harvey a refresher course on how to use the phone . . . we watched some television and went to bed . . . the end.

'mrs. anderson . . . step away from the fryer and put the chicken down . . .'


lee said...

I had a good laugh at that one. Did you ever see that commercial where they bought a house, and the police come thru the window, because they think they are someone else, that reminded me of your sweet ballerina painting, of course the colour got me first. Do you want a copy of my zines, send me your address and I will mail you them.

martinealison said...


Vous avez apporté un grand sourire sur ma face ! Une histoire de poulet en plus !
Mon fils est dans la gendarmerie. Il m'a raconté hier que la brigade avait été appelé pour un cambriolage dans une maison. Le cambrioleur avait été retrouvé par les propriétaires de la maison couché dans le canapé de leur salon ivre mort ! Autour de lui étaient rassemblés les objets qu'il avait l'intention de voler... mais avant de partir il s'était mis à picoler l'alcool qui se trouvait dans les bouteilles de leur bar !...
Incroyable, non ? !

Ne pas oublier toute de même de vous dire que votre ballerine est adorable...

Gros bisous ♡

Polly Birchall said...

Well that story made me smile this morning. But a bit unsettling to say the least. Hope you didn't 'egg' them on and hope you enjoyed the chicken twice as much as you would normally!

Katie Jeanne said...

Of course you were talking about FOOD. LOL Oooh, how you made me squeal. This could only happen to YOU, Myra, and Harvey, of course. Sooooo hilarious!!! ;) :D