If you are - or you would like to be - an artist of the ballet - sometimes you must stop whatever you are doing - grab the nearest piece of paper - and draw a degas. I'm not making this stuff up. It's in the rule book . . . ask Lisa - she will back me up! Congrats on your show Lisa! Thanks for always moving forward in wisdom, skill and love of art!
There is something so darn special about your ballerina's on notebook paper. Hugs my friend...and thanks.
I love the lines of the tutu and the hands replacing the straps.
I love that dancer on that notebook paper, done with charcoal, I think, I love it. love it.
ALL WAYS...I love myra's degas!
The power of your drawings always amaze me.
I would love to look through all your notebooks. This page is fabulous, Myra!
Love this pose - great gesture and done on notebook paper gives it even more charm!
such a lovely drawing....
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