A few weeks ago I woke up to find that I had a pinched nerve in my leg. I was in pain from my hip bone to my ankle bone and could not walk at all for about two weeks. The only time I was not in mind-numbing pain was when I was lying down. Many heat wraps and ice packs later - and I am finally beginning to feel better!
I didn't have the heart for doing art at the time. Instead I became well acquainted with television and I am now addicted to 'A&E's Beyond Scared Straight - keeping today's teens from becoming tomorrow's felons' - and 'Spike TV's Bar Rescue'.
Although I didn't have the heart to do my own art - I had the love of YOUR art in my heart! I continued to admire and think about YOUR art!
Now - listen to me and heed my words! Go to garage sales or estate sales or something - and get yourself a cane, a walker, crutches, a wheel chair and a portable pottie! Store it under the bed or in a closet! This thing happened to me when Harvey was out of town for four days!! I almost felt foolish dragging a walker with me as I moved from one house to another house - but boy did it come in handy on that fateful day!
Hey! You have your emergency medical supplies and food supplies (and martini supplies) don't you! Please heed my words! Holla! (literally)
You have made light of your tragedy. I have been in your situation and it is purgatory! Glad you are feeling better, but take care
So sorry to hear that Myra! I was getting worried about you. No painting, no nothing in so long. Glad to hear you're getting better.
I'm ready for anything...almost.:) A big hug.
Oh no Myra! I am so so sorry you went through that!!!! Wise advice...you just never know when things are going to happen. I am glad you feel better. Big hugs!
So glad you are improving. I put grab bars and stool in my bath remodel...thinking ahead. Thanks for your upbeat post. Hope rapid healing washes over your soul!
so sorry to hear this myra..but glad of course that you are getting there. it's just the worst being layed up. one time I wrote funny stories and poems while having to be flat on my back...I still look at them now and then for a good cheer up. I cracked up at the comic you posted. Get and STAY well! ox
Ahh..I was wondering what you've been up to. I kept checking back for updates. Poor girl..I have sciatic pain like that from time to time, too. It is sooo incredibly painful. I'm happy to see you're on the mend. Maybe you'll be up for making art again soon. <3
I'm so sorry Myra! But have to admit your post made me chuckle!!
I guess its the visual effect. I know you're hurting and hope you feel better soon! (I kept my Dad's cane...now for sure I won't get rid of it.)
Hi Myra - So glad you're back - I wondered where you were! I had sciatica and know something of what you've experienced. And thank you for the suggestion about the cane - it's a good one. Miss you - feel better soon!
I wondered where you have been , and now we know, and I hope you feel better soon, and yes I do have those supplies on hand just in case I ever need them, they were my mothers (lol)
You make it sound funny but after living through tearing a tendon in my leg I know it was anything but. You poor dear - all on your own too.
Here's a HUG!
Good advice on the supplies. We never know what will happen day by day. Glad you are on the mend and thanks for the up date.
Oh Myra. So sorry about what ails you. I have a lot of sympathy...I am recovering from broken ribs! Keep up the beautiful painting and heal quickly. I will start my yard sale search.
Bonjour ma chère amie,
Oh la la !! Quelle misère vous avez eu... J'ose espérer que tout va un peu mieux.
Les douleurs ont dû être intenses... Grrrrrrr... Je connais ça ! J'ai une hernie discale cervicale qui parfois me bloque et me fait souffrir.
Il vous faut de la chaleur là où vous souffrez... Utilisez votre sèche cheveux au besoin !
Je vous envoie de gros bisous.
Glad to hear from you Myra : )
Sure did miss you and yes, I was worried too my friend!
I hope you're feeling better, Myra. <3
Oh, no! Still no update. :( I hope you're okay.
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