
Thursday, September 27, 2012

the red umbrella . . .

Speaking for myself - as an artist there are so many things that I want to do but sometimes you 'have to wait until the time is right'.  For years I have wanted to paint an umbrella - but I have been afraid to.  So, finally, casting all fear aside - I made that 'circle' with those 'lines' - and that 'sqiggle'!  Looks like an umbrella - huh?


lee said...

where was I when you made all these beautiful vibrant art, must have been in a coma, Love all it, i love how you incorprated sunflowers in the dress below, and how why in the world would you be afraid of painting or adding an umbrella you did so perfectly

Lisa Graham said...

There is no doubt in my mind that this is an umbrella. Lovin' those dots on her sleeves!