
Thursday, May 17, 2012

soft focus - will you stay or will you go away. . .

Well, you may have noticed that I have not been happy with some of my postings lately.  After I post them there is something about them that I just don't like.  That being said . . . I mostly like this one.  But what happened is that both eyes were done to my satisfaction.  One 'tweak' (on the left eye - I think) and the whole thing 'just went away'.  I could not find that highlight no matter how hard I tried.  Has that ever happened to you?

2 comments: said...

Don't worry, I can only LOOK at one eye at a time and the overall first impression...till u pointed the one eye out... was a face full of emotion.Fabulous.

Jane said...

Oh yes it has happened, but then again the eyes are the hardest thing, these are just awesome , there is an intensive and almost begging look in them !